(Without having the fear of a boring retirement)


THE STRATEGIES IN THIS PROGRAM haVE helped thousands of retirees & pre-retirees Just like you to...
Find Greater Meaning and true fulfillment - feel that your days and life have purpose, you are needed, and you are growing and becoming.
Achieve Total Financial Security and live with peace & confidence - no longer needing to worry about money or the stock market
Live with unbridled energy & ability through Upgraded Health - feel good, live longer, be mobile and pain-free
Cultivate Deeper Relationships - more connectedness to others and experience love & belonging
Experience Real Adventure - feel alive, have fun, and experience a rush and excitement.
Enter your bullet points here..
What You've Been Told Will Lead To Happiness & Fulfillment in Retirement May Lead To Disappointment & Discontentment

We've been conned.
The traditional approach to retirement is FAILING us.
It’s based on the belief that retirees and aging are synonymous with becoming weaker and less capable. That retirement is about winding down and playing it safe, because, you know, retirees are frail. This outdated and patronizing view assumes that when you retire from your job, you also retire from life.
Like hell you do.
In retirement, you have more time, money, resources, and wisdom than you’ve ever had. You can be more adventurous, pursue your dreams, and have a greater impact. But that’s not the message we tell retirees.
If you think taking it easy, avoiding challenges, and creating a life of comfort leads to happiness and fulfillment after you stop working...
... you’ve fallen for the Retirement Myth.
The Retirement Myth is the widely held belief that a successful retirement is about pulling back and doing less. That you’ll be happy and content just puttering around the house, golfing a couple days a week, and simply spending your time relaxing. If you buy into the false idea that retirees need to be bubble-wrapped and that fulfillment comes from doing, achieving, and becoming less after you stop working, you are guaranteed an Average Retirement.
The biggest mistakes I’ve seen retirees make is that they aim far too low, experience far too little, and never come close to reaching their human potential. You’ve got one shot at this. There is no next.
There Are No Do Overs or Second Chances. RETIREMENT IS IT!
We push our big dreams and plans off to the future, thinking we have time. Until we don't.
We wake up one day and realize we don't have the time, energy, or our health anymore to pursue our passions and do what we love.
We miss our one last chance to experience everything we wanted to achieve our deepest ambitions and to live our best lives.
We wake up one day in the future and realize our game is coming to an end.
Enter your bullet points here..
We reach that critical point in our lives where retirement gives us the gift of doing anything we want, but most of us don’t live up to our potential.
One day, you’re going to discover that the game is over. You’d better make the most of it while you can still play.
The question that haunts me is....
Will I make the most out of my life?
But what if there was another way?

It's Time to Overcome AVERAGE RETIREMENT!
If Average Retirement is Bridges of Madison County meets Kenny G, then Badass Retirement is Mission Impossible meets Metallica.
The life philosophy of too many retirees is “I came. I saw. I retired.” You didn’t come this far, work this hard, and accomplish so much just so you could kick back and disengage, did you? Don’t let an outdated and BS view of retirement define the rest of your life and what you can achieve. Let’s flip retirement on its head.
You came. You saw... and you kicked some Average Retirement ass.

Average Retirement
Worried you might have the wrong investment asset allocation
Unsure how much income you can safely withdraw in retirement
Feel like you are financially winging it all alone
Worried that you are financially exposed or are forgetting something
Fear of running out of money
Guessing when it's best to take Social Security
Worry that you may be withdrawing too much from your portfolio
Unsure if you are on financial track or if you are getting off track
Feel guilty or worried when you spend money
Lingering doubt about your financial security
Worried about the stock market’s every move
Fixated on the economy and the stock market
Worried that you won’t know if you are off track financially until it is too late
Not able to enjoy spending money because you’re not sure if can afford it
Enter your bullet points here..
Confident you have the appropriate allocation
Know exactly how much you can safely withdraw from your portfolio each month
Feel supported and like you are part of a group with a shared goal
Feel secure knowing you’ve covered all of your financial bases
Total financial security, with no worry
Have a well thought out plan for when to take Social Security
Have confidence you are withdrawing a safe amount from your portfolio
Feel at ease knowing you are doing regular financial check-ins
Feel great when you spend money because you know you can afford it
Sleep well knowing you are financially secure and prepared
Unconcerned about what the “market” does since you have a plan in place
Fixated on enjoying your life and creating the best retirement
Feel good knowing you’ll be able to make adjustments before you get off track
Enjoy spending money
Enter your bullet points here..

Average Retirement
Worried that you won’t have the energy to do all the things you want
Afraid you won’t be able to enjoy retirement because of health issues
Fear that you will get sick or suffer from bad health
Concerned that your best days are already behind you
You don’t enjoy or find value in traditional exercise
Lack of motivation to exercise or improve your health
Feel like you are doing it alone
Confused because of all the mixed advice about what to eat or how to get healthy
Unsure what to do to improve your health
Think it is too hard or confusing to improve your health
Enter your bullet points here..
Ample energy to tackle the day & everything you want to do in retirement
Have a plan in place to upgrade your health that you feel good about
Make daily progress on improving your health
Feel confident that you can improve your health each day
Find non-traditional ways to get exercise & enjoy it
Feel energized to upgrade your health throughout retirement
Be supported by a community
Cut through the noise and confusion and have a clear path to get healthier each day
Have an easy plan to improve your health
See and feel yourself making progress
Enter your bullet points here..

Average Retirement
Worried you'll be lonely
Feeling like you have more time than things to do
Worried you'll be bored
Not having enough hobbies and too much time to do nothing
Not sure what you’re going to do with your life in retirement
Fear that you’ll just fade into retirement
Feel like you want more than a typical retirement but aren’t sure how to get it
Don’t feel connected to others who share your vision for retirement
Desperately want a life of passion and purpose but aren’t sure how to create it
Fear that your retirement will feel “empty”
Worry that your life will lose the spark once you retire
Worry that your self-worth was tied to your career and aren’t sure how you’ll find meaning in retirement
Don’t have any goals or projects you want to tackle in retirement
Worry that every day in retirement will look and feel the same
Enter your bullet points here..
Feel connected to a tribe who gets you
You’ll want to jump out of bed in the morning
Never be bored or restless
Have plenty of activities, hobbies, and passions to fill your days and life
Have a clear sense of what you want your life to look like in retirement
Have a life in retirement others will envy
Know exactly what you need to do to create a life with passion and meaning
Have a group of other ambitious retirees who “get” you and your dreams
Have a strong path in place that you feel good and excited about
Feel fulfilled and live a life of meaning and purpose
Have so much fun and excitement you’ll wonder why you didn’t retire earlier
Find a new sense of meaning and purpose to inspire and fill your life in retirement
Have huge goals you are actively working toward that give you meaning an energy
Have fun, adventure, and excitement
Enter your bullet points here..

DO you want to create & live your best life in retirement?
You were born to do more, experience more, and become more in retirement.
It's time to ditch Average Retirement and join the BADASS RETIREMENT movement!
The message in this book is a rallying cry for the few – maybe you – who look around and desperately desire a more fulfilling and enriching path for their lives in retirement. You will learn how to escape Average Retirement and the view that retirees need to be coddled. To replace a bland and tepid fragile view of retirement with something more meaningful, bold, and exciting – Badass Retirement.
Download the Badass Retirement Digital Bundle & get exclusive access BONUS OFFERS!

Why retirees have been “conned” by the traditional approach to retirement (page 1)
The philosophy that too many retirees live by, which leads them to an Average Retirement (page 2)
Why Badass Retirement isn’t too challenging and is in within reach for you (page 3)
Why I’m qualified to help you live a Badass Retirement and how I've helped clients grow their wealth and enhance their lives in retirement for almost the past three decades (page 4)
Where you should go to get the full Badass Retirement experience (page 5)
Enter your bullet points here..
What is your "red pill" moment (page 8)
What most people want in retirement and why it may not be what you want (page 8)
The formula for the Retirement Myth (page 9)
What is "calendar coma" in retirement (page 10)
Why someone told me "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard" (page 11)
There are three types of retirees: which one are you? (page 12)
What is the retirement "honeymoon" and what does this often lead to? (page 13)
Only half of retirees think their retirement is better than their working years. What’s going on? (page 14)
The difference between feeling relaxed and fulfilled and why that distinction is so important in retirement (page 15)
The advice a psychologist gives a patient who is depressed that can help you create a better retirement (page 16)
Learn how the Retirement Myth is not just condescending but also dangerous (page 16)
Learn about how retirement doesn’t remove problems, it just replaces them (page 17)
Why don’t animals retire and what does this have to do with you? (page 18)
Why you should rage against Average Retirement (page 19)
Why retirees can’t sit back, relax, and wait for a Badass Retirement to happen (page 20)
Enter your bullet points here..
Learn the six words that have been the launching pad for so many retirees for creating a whole new life in retirement (page 24)
What the key elements to happiness are and why happiness is actually a verb (page 25)
Why getting everything you want may actually be a punishment and make your retirement worse (page 26)
What is the retirement gap, and how is it critical to providing purpose, meaning, and fuel for a Badass Retirement? (page 27)
What happens when there is no retirement gap? (page 27)
How retirement changes everything in our lives – except for us (page 28)
The importance of detaching ourselves from the idea that retirement defines who we are (page 28)
Why the “and” separates an Average Retirement from a Badass Retirement (page 29)
The difference between wants and needs, and why it’s key you recognize the value of needs (page 29)
Learn the Badass 5 and why you must nail these five core drivers to truly live a Badass Retirement (page 30)
Find out the first step for creating and sustaining a Badass Retirement (page 31)
Enter your bullet points here..
What brought me to tears during a live presentation, and why this is so tragic for most people living an Average Retirement (page 35)
The number one question that haunts me about life (page 35)
What is the Retirement Opportunity, and how can you seek it out to achieve the highest potential for your life? (page 36)
Why you shouldn’t die with a song inside you if you feel even a twinge of anxiety about retirement (page 37)
Learn the hero’s journey and why you should be the hero of your own story (page 38)
Why making your life as easy as possible won’t lead to happiness and fulfillment (page 39)
How humans are born to be lazy, and what that means for your retirement (page 40)
Why the goal for Badass Retirement is more than just elevating your view of retirement (page 41)
Enter your bullet points here..
Why you should be the Rainmaker in your retirement (page 46)
The only one requirement for embarking on a journey toward Badass Retirement (page 46)
Why your prior career, financial success, or achievements are irrelevant to living a Badass Retirement – and how this is an incredible opportunity (page 47)
Understand why retirement isn’t something that happens to you, it happens because of you (page 48)
Why retirees who adopt a passive role tend to be less satisfied than those who take control (page 49)
How you can rise to the occasion and take control of your retirement (page 49)
Why strengthening your self-efficacy is crucial for your future success (page 50)
Learn why you shouldn’t run from insecurity, but instead, embrace it (page 51)
To be the hero of your own journey, discover why you need to answer your call to action (page 52)
Learn tips to gain more control of your retirement (page 53)
How to stop suffering from learned helplessness (page 54)
Although you no longer need to work in retirement, understand why you still need to work on retirement (page 55)
Why operating under the old paradigm of knowing all of the answers and feeling ready before starting a new pursuit is no longer an option (page 56)
Enter your bullet points here..
Learn why my mother and I don’t talk about Paris anymore (page 60)
Why in retirement, you have you have more time than you’ve ever had… and the least amount of time you’ve ever had (page 61)
How the law of scarcity impacts your belief on time in retirement (page 62)
Why selfishness is caring (page 62)
One of the most common regrets at the end of people’s lives (page 63)
The difference between slow and fast time, and how slowing time will make your life more fulfilling (page 64)
Why your mission in retirement is to create lots of firsts (page 65)
Learn how you can use the Attention Investment Quadrant to make the most of your time (page 66)
What the most destructive activities – liabilities – are for your life and retirement (page 67)
Where you can find the attention investment assets that produce an asymmetric return – the biggest bang (value) for your buck (time) (page 68)
Why you’ve been playing the long game and how you should shift your mindset to play the short game in retirement (page 69)
The most painful and damaging emotion you can feel – and how it often becomes increasingly distressing with age (page 70)
The enemy of action that causes paralysis (page 70)
Enter your bullet points here..
Why you should try things that are riskier, bolder, and more adventurous than you’re comfortable with (page 74)
The “f” word that will “f-up” your retirement (page 75)
How retirement should change your perspective of risk (page 76)
Understand the difference between failing and feeling like a failure (page 77)
Grasp the powerful idea that you can be failing but not fail in retirement (page 78)
Learn how to identify if there’s a fear holding you back from doing what you really want to do (page 78)
Discover strategies to overcome your fear of failure and increase your level of boldness (page 79)
Determine how to move forward if there is too much risk and too little reward (page 80)
Learn why you should get comfortable with not having all of the answers (page 80)
How many bold activities should you schedule and commit to doing each week? (page 81)
Learn why it’s important to say yes more often (page 81)
Discover the benefits of creating an alter ego to help take on bold or risky activities (page 82)
Learn why comparing your level of adventure against someone else’s can be harmful and have a demotivational effect (page 82)
Why we benefit from adding challenge and risk into our lives during retirement (page 83)
Understand the benefits of adventure (page 83)
How adventure can help us overcome our daily routine and boredom in retirement (page 84)
Why the best moments in our lives aren’t passive and relaxing (page 85)
The difference between the traditional view of adventure and meaningful adventure that we should seek in retirement (page 86)
Why you need to find the sweet spot between uncertainty and risk involved when planning your adventure (page 87)
Why nature-based adventures are key (page 88)
Understand how much adventure you need (page 89)
The five categories of adventure, based on risk level and competence (page 90)
Important considerations for when you start planning meaningful adventures in retirement (page 91)
What you can do if you’re nervous about taking on adventure (page 92)
Why you don’t want to be a little B in retirement (page 93)
Enter your bullet points here..
The question that haunts every retiree’s mind (page 98)
The two simple words at the heart of achieving a Badass Retirement and a life worth living (page 98)
The big shift in compensation in retirement (page 99)
Why what you do in the face of the “retirement void” will determine whether you live a Badass Retirement or Average Retirement (page 100)
Why it’s better to be bored than busy (page 101)
The theory that can help decipher behavior and not only understand why we do what we do but also predict what we might do in the future (page 102)
Discover the six needs according to human needs psychology (page 103)
Learn how you can determine your top needs – and why this is important (page 104)
Learn why it’s important to differentiate between needs and vehicles (page 105)
Exercises to help uncover your values (page 106)
Why focusing on energy is key to understanding your true interests (page 106)
Why experimenting with different hobbies and activities is important for uncovering our interests (page 107)
Why interests are not enough when it comes to strengthening purpose (page 108)
The difference between interests and passions (page 108)
How to discover and define your passions (page 109)
One of the key differences between Average Retirement and Badass Retirement, when it comes to the Retirement Gap (page 110)
Questions to help create your vision for retirement (page 111)
Decreased mortality was associated with this factor in a study of nearly 7,000 adults over 50 (page 112)
Why your purpose doesn’t need to be grandiose or change the world (page 113)
The ultimate test for your purpose statements (page 114)
Enter your bullet points here..
Learn why it’s essential to be self-focused – and why it’s a good thing (page 118)
Discover the surefire way to feel that your days and life in retirement have meaning (page 119)
Why you may get as much meaning and fulfillment from being a hero to just one person as you would from helping many (page 120)
Questions to help you assess what changes you’d like to make a difference in (page 121)
Learn new ideas to help you move forward, once you’ve discovered what big cause you want to dedicate time to solving (page 122)
See if starting a personal foundation might be right for you (page 123)
How having a mission can help you figure out how to fulfill your purpose (page 124)
Why you shouldn’t get caught up thinking about individual goals (page 125)
Enter your bullet points here..
Learn the number one factor in life that will improve your physical and mental health, well-being, and happiness more than anything else (page 128)
Over 40% of individuals over 60 report this staggering statistic (page 129)
The Stanford Center on Longevity reports that Baby Boomers are experiencing this alarmingly negative effect – even more so than just 20 years ago (page 129)
In a study among homeless respondents, this common issue for retirees was the most significant contributor to unhappiness – and it wasn’t homelessness! (page 130)
The risk that increases health issues as much as smoking 15 cigarettes per day (page 131)
A common issue retirees face that is twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity (page 131)
Badass Retirement’s most significant advantage when it comes to relationships (page 132)
One of the key relationship challenges during our working years and retirement (page 133)
Learn tips to help you find your tribe – a group that shares a collective objective and interests, where deeply meaningful connections are born (page 134)
Discover the ample benefits of being a sports fan (page 135)
Why your physical environment is everything and shapes you in significant and meaningful ways, and what this means for your relationships (page 136)
Why quality is more important than quantity in terms of friendships (page 137)
Discover a framework to help you evaluate existing and future friendships to ensure you’re cultivating the right kinds of relationships (page 138)
Learn what types of relationships are the most healthy and enjoyable (page 139)
The higher-risk groups for building relationships in retirement (page 140)
The challenges that may be associated with having a concentrated work social network (page 141)
How doubling your number of friends may produce a surprising benefit (page 142)
How introverts can make cultivating relationships more enjoyable (page 143)
How to avoid marital friction when entering retirement with your spouse (page 144)
Why spending more time with your spouse can still feel lonely (page 145)
Tips to effectively spend more time with your spouse in retirement (page 146)
Why you should reconnect with your spouse in retirement and how to get to know them again (page 147)
The staggering statistic about divorce rates for retirees (page 148)
Discover assessments to help you and your spouse gauge your relationship’s health to help resolve minor issues before they become major problems (page 149)
The one insecurity that will impact every area of your life, including your happiness, health, and relationships (page 150)
Enter your bullet points here..
The number one concern about retirement (page 154)
More than 61% of survey respondents were more afraid of this than dying (page 154)
The difference between using money and spending money, and why hoarding money won’t provide you with greater financial security (page 155)
The winning financial formula that gets reversed in retirement (page 156)
The best retirement income for success is ESP – what is this, and how do you attain it? (page 157)
The silent, traceless, and invisible issue that erodes your buying power (page 158)
The best retirement income plans are composed of a mixture of these three sources (page 159)
One of the most challenging things to do in finance – and one you’ll likely need to know how to do in retirement (page 159)
The three steps to the Lifetime Retirement Income Solution to create a sustainable and predictable stream of income in retirement (page 160)
The top four things you need to know about the 4% rule (page 161)
Does following the 4% rule mean you are safe and won’t run out of money in retirement? (page 162)
Learn what retirees should do with all the conflicting (and seemingly ever-changing) guidance about the 4% rule (page 163)
An even better rule than the 4% rule for your retirement (page 164)
How you can implement the Lifetime Retirement Income Portfolio strategy to create lifetime income in retirement (page 165)
One of the biggest financial risks you’ll face in retirement (and it’s not the stock market dropping) (page 166)
How you can still receive a steady paycheck deposited into your checking account each month in retirement (page 167)
The three most common sources of stable income (page 168)
Why you may want to consider delaying your Social Security benefits until age 70 (page 169)
How to avoid a gap in your health insurance coverage when you turn 65 (page 170)
Are annuities a curse or a blessing? (page 171)
The most common types of annuities (page 172)
The most popular alternative source of income (page 173)
Is there greater risk for investing in raw or developed land? (page 174)
An appealing real estate investment option that requires virtually no management (page 175)
The two types of income that NNN’s can provide throughout retirement (page 176)
What separates a great NNN investment from the rest? (page 177)
The strongest tenant guarantee for NNN investments (page 178)
Common industry challenges faced by NNN investors (page 179)
How to avoid being “house rich but cash poor” in retirement (page 180)
What you’ll need to maximize in order to guarantee that you’ll truly be free of financial worry in retirement (page 181)
Enter your bullet points here..
The ages at which you’re able to take an absurd number of financial risks and still have opportunity to recover from financial setbacks (page 184)
How to avoid the false belief that “retirement” only refers to the destination (page 185)
Why you should proceed with caution if you’re in the Retirement X Zone (page 186)
The cardinal sin of hiking – and how this relates to retirees (page 187)
Three principles to maximize portfolio longevity (page 188)
Why poor investment performance in your early years of retirement can be devastating (page 189)
How strong returns early in retirement outweigh weaker returns later on (page 190)
The dirty little secret in the investing and retirement planning world that few people like to talk about (page 191)
What your investment portfolio’s asset allocation determines in retirement (page 192)
The ideal portfolio stock allocation in retirement (page 193)
What the popular Rule of 100 is and how you can use it for your asset allocation now and in retirement (page 193)
How a rising equity glide path can help minimize your sequence of returns risk (page 194)
How you can determine an appropriate allocation for your investments (page 195)
Why you should safeguard your portfolio to prevent your advisor from deviating from your plan (page 196)
The investment risk paradox (page 197)
The difference between risk capacity and risk tolerance (page 198)
Discover the Risk Matrix and which quadrant you’re in (page 199)
How can you determine your risk capacity? (page 200)
How can you determine your risk tolerance? (page 201)
Your greatest source of income in retirement (page 202)
How you can take advantage of market drops and market gains in retirement (page 203)
Understanding the difference between possible and probable (pages 204 and 205)
Why financial media isn’t designed to help you make smart long-term financial decisions and reach your goals (page 206)
How you can limit your exposure to financial pornography by adopting a Clear Money Mentality (page 207)
The danger of expense creep (page 208)
How often you should review your net worth (page 209)
The goal of the snowball effect (page 210)
Strategies you can consider if your withdrawal percentage starts to creep up (page 211)
An extreme measure you can take if you find your portfolio withdrawal rate in the Red Zone because of market declines (page 212)
How you can prevent bad investment decisions by categorizing red, yellow, and green investments (page 213)
Enter your bullet points here..
The tell-tale sign of financial success in retirement (page 216)
The goal of de-risking your finances (page 216)
10 strategies that are proactive actions you can take to de-risk your finances (page 216)
One of the best ways to de-risk your finances, if you’re nervous about transitioning into full-time, traditional retirement or need a stronger financial cushion (page 217)
The two dimensions that can help you think about what a part-time retirement might look like for you (page 218)
Discover the Part-Time Retirement Matrix and which type of work interests you the most (page 219)
The advantages of a part-time retirement (page 220)
How being a business owner or independent contractor can help you make larger retirement plan contributions (page 221)
Potential tax benefits of pursuing a part-time retirement (page 222)
How you can overcome feelings of emptiness and find a sense of purpose and meaning in retirement (page 223)
Learn a financial model that may help you retire earlier (page 224)
Discover a strategy to help you predict the future in retirement and provide you with a better chance to de-risk your finances (page 225 and 226)
Learn the biggest expense for nearly all of my clients in retirement (page 227)
Explore if a Roth IRA conversion is a tax strategy that makes sense for you (page 228)
The financial benefits of moving to a lower or no income tax state in retirement (page 228)
Understand the importance of having a strong retirement team on your side (page 229)
Who should be on your retirement team? (page 230)
What should you consider before hiring an attorney? (page 231)
Where can you find a financial advisor qualified for your team? (page 232)
How to prevent financial fraud (page 233)
Why it makes sense to pay for your child’s automobile or liability insurance (page 234)
Ideas to financially help your children and family members the right way (page 235)
Why buying an annuity for your child or family member might make sense for you (page 236)
Why distinguishing between charity and investment is critical when helping family members (page 237)
One of the quickest and most financially devastating events to your finances (page 238)
An inexpensive type of insurance to help safeguard your finances (page 239)
Basic estate planning strategies to de-risk your finances (page 240)
Few single events can do more damages to your finances as this in retirement – and at any stage in your life (page 241)
Strategies to protect your retirement assets if you are not yet married (or remarried) (page 242)
Why long-term care insurance policies are no longer guaranteed as an option for most people (page 243)
The only two long-term care strategies (page 244)
Factors that may determine if you don’t need to consider doing long-term care planning (pages 244-245)
Learn if Medicaid is an option for your long-term care needs (page 246)
Explore long-term care insurance options (page 247)
The issue that dwarfs concerns about running out of money – and it explains why an 80-year-old billionaire would do anything to switch places with a broke 20-year-old (page 248)
Enter your bullet points here..
CHALLENGE 13: Upgraded health
Why you should become an athlete in retirement (page 254)
The sobering statistics of average health that are associated with an Average Retirement (page 255)
Why the purpose of upgrading your health is even better than living as long as possible (page 256)
Learn the difference between healthspan and lifespan – and why healthspan should be your key concern for retirement (page 257)
Discover how aging doesn’t have to be a death sentence with “longevity escape velocity” (page 258)
The true goal for longevity (page 259)
Learn the 9 Health Levers, your greatest tools for controlling and upgrading your health and performance at any age (page 260)
Learn the mental shift to engage a Performance Mindset (page 261)
How change can happen in an instant (page 262)
Tips to engage a Performance Mindset (page 262)
Why feeling like an imposter is a good thing and means you’re on the right track (page 263)
What you should do if your doctors are under the spell of the Retirement Myth (page 264)
Why data is not your friend (page 264)
Key metrics you should track throughout retirement to optimize your health and catch health issues early (page 265)
One of the most common diseases and top killers in the US (page 266)
What Harvard Health calls “a new way to track well-being” that can indicate your resilience to stress and even an increased risk of death (page 267)
The oldest and most common health metric we track – and how you can upgrade it (page 268)
Learn how you can track inheritable genes associated with common health conditions such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and cancer (page 269)
A relatively new and exciting line of science that is poised to advance our understanding of health and promote personalized healthcare (page 270)
The very avoidable cause of 3.2 million deaths each year (page 271)
One of the most important tools you have for upgrading your health that anyone is fully capable of taking advantage of (page 271)
Ideas to help you incorporate activity into your retirement and close your exercise gap (page 272)
Learn one of the best ways to stay both motivated and active (page 273)
Discover the benefits of linking micro habits – a simple strategy to help you easily incorporate more exercise into your daily routine (page 274)
Tips if you are new to exercise and are unsure of where to start (page 275)
The right amount of exercise you need per week to reap health benefits (page 276)
How often you should do resistance training for optimum results (page 276)
Discover why HITT training might be one of the most effective workouts for you – and as a bonus, you can complete a total HITT workout in just minutes! (page 277)
Learn a simple strategy that can increase your self-efficacy and improve your well-being, mindfulness, and blood pressure (page 278)
Discover what I’ve found to be as important – if not more important – than exercise when it comes to upgrading your health (page 279)
Understand why so many people struggle to find the right diet and learn my strategy for nutritional success (page 280)
What overwhelming scientific evidence tells us about nutrition (page 281)
The type of diet that tends to provide the best health outcomes for most people (page 282)
Why dairy may do more harm than good (page 283)
How fat is both good and bad for you (page 284)
Discover one of the most important – and also simplest– things you can do to improve your health, sleep quality, cognition, mood, and overall functioning (page 284)
The easiest diet to stick to and one of the most beneficial for your health and longevity (page 285)
Learn effective strategies that promote faster and deeper recovery so that you can continue to train at a high level (page 286)
A study found this to be the most effective technique for reducing muscle soreness and perceived fatigued (page 286)
Supplements that can help you get an edge (page 287)
What’s the actual amount of sleep you need per night? (page 288)
Tips that have been shown to help improve sleep (page 289)
Why it’s critical to have daily exposure to sunlight and what you can do in winter when it’s not possible to go outside and get sun (page 290)
How diet and exercise helped me overcome a chronic disorder (page 291)
Practices to help manage stress – a key factor that can undermine your physical health (page 292)
A recent study of nearly 20,000 people found that this simple action was significantly linked to good health and higher well-being (page 293)
How you can learn to reduce stress like sudden wealth recipients (page 294)
Learn a breathing technique that can quickly and easily reduce your stress (page 295)
Discover a type of meditation therapy that has been shown as an effective treatment for stress, anxiety, and depression (page 296)
Why you should be practicing gratitude and several forms of gratitude awareness you can try out (page 297)
The one threat that can’t be minimized by eating well, getting sufficient sleep, or proper exercise, and how you can protect yourself (page 298)
The only question you need to ask yourself when deciding whether or not to invest in your health (page 299)
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CHALLENGE 14: build resilience
Learn what will help you in the face of adversity, when all you want to do is curl up and disappear (page 302)
The benefits of this are linked to a lower risk of mortality – even among the very old (page 303)
The surprising statistic about post traumatic stress disorder (page 304)
Discover mental factors that help build resilience (page 305)
The four important paradigms that give us optimistic or pessimistic explanations of the events that happen to us (page 306)
Learn social factors that help build resilience (page 307)
How tapping into a higher power or joining a support group may be beneficial for building resilience (page 308)
Explore physical factors that help build resilience (page 309)
Why getting out of your house and into nature may help if you’re struggling with adversity (page 310)
How it’s possible to experience growth in the aftermath of trauma (page 311)
The five factors for post-traumatic growth (page 312)
Why anticipatory grief can derail your retirement (page 313)
How facing death can help you live more fully (page 314)
The three forms of thanatophobia that you may be experiencing (page 315)
Ideas to consider if you’re struggling with your mortality (page 315)
Why avoiding anxiety and fear won’t work – and a better solution (page 316)
How visualization can help you become more resilient in the face of your own mortality (page 316)
Why it’s important to not focus on small setbacks (page 317)
The difference between a drop and a dip, and how you need to reframe your setbacks (page 318)
Learn the one day, one week, one month strategy to re-engage and commit to action following setbacks (page 319)
Discover the rule of thirds to help you find motivation (page 320)
Learn why “going through the motions” isn’t a bad thing and can help you move forward (page 321)
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What’s a global surge we’re witnessing in testing our limits? (pages 324 and 325)
Understand the magic of challenge (page 326)
The paradox of the potential gap between where we are and what we want to achieve (page 327)
Why it feels good to be challenged and Seek Impossible (page 328)
Why setting small goals can’t compete with impossible goals (page 329)
The true consequences for failure in retirement (page 330)
Why we habitually underestimate our potential (page 331)
Why we need a “why” in life in order to set our sights higher and live up to our potential (page 332)
The hidden but powerful influence that social dynamics have over our beliefs, decisions, and actions (page 333)
How you can overcome an Average Retirement and Seek Impossible (page 334)
Why succumbing to the right kind of peer pressure can be advantageous (page 335)
Why you should create an “unsafe” space (page 336)
Why you shouldn’t limit impossible to one area of your life (page 337)
Why you should dial up the crazy to the point that impossibility scares you (page 338)
Why it’s not a race to find your impossible (page 339)
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the badass retirement system
How can you ward off Average Retirement and continue to live your very best life? (page 341)
Focus areas for Badass Driver #1: Greater Meaning to help you feel that your days and life have purpose, you are needed, and you are growing and becoming (page 342)
Strategies for Badass Drive #2: Total Financial Security to help you achieve peace and confidence (page 342)
Feel good, live longer, and have energy with this blueprint for Badass Driver #3: Upgraded Health (page 343)
How to achieve connection and belonging with focus areas for Badass Driver #4: Deeper Relationships (page 344)
Achieve Badass Driver #5: Real Adventure by focusing on these strategies (page 344)
Daily actions and regular check-ins to ensure you have the best shot at living and sustaining a Badass Retirement (page 345)
How you can join a tribe dedicated to living a Badass Retirement (page 346)
Enter your bullet points here..

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