Getting Ready To Retire?
learn exactly how to Have an amazing, fulfilling, and active retirement! (Without having the fear of a boring retirement)


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THE STRATEGIES IN THIS PROGRAM haVE helped thousands of retirees & pre-retirees Just like you to...

Find Greater Meaning and true fulfillment - feel that your days and life have purpose, you are needed, and you are growing and becoming

Achieve Total Financial Security and live with peace & confidence - no longer needing to worry about money or the stock market

Live with unbridled energy & ability through Upgraded Health - feel good, live longer, be mobile and pain-free

Cultivate Deeper Relationships - more connectedness to others and experience love & belonging

Experience Real Adventure - feel alive, have fun, and experience a rush and excitement

and have a life in retirement others will envy
Learn insider strategies that Robert Pagliarini, Ph.D, CFP has used for almost three decades to help thousands of clients grow their wealth and live there best lives in retirement.

Join the BADASS RETIREMENT movement! Order the Badass Retirement Companion Workbook today and receive exclusive access to bonus offers!



You were born to do more, experience more, and become more in retirement.

It's time to ditch Average Retirement and join the BADASS RETIREMENT movement!

The message in this program is a rallying cry for the few – maybe you – who look around and desperately desire a more fulfilling and enriching path for their lives in retirement. You will learn how to escape Average Retirement and the view that retirees need to be coddled. To replace a bland and tepid fragile view of retirement with something more meaningful, bold, and exciting – Badass Retirement.

Get instant access to the Badass Retirement Companion Workbook, filled with 285 pages of activities, review questions, tests, and book highlights targeted at helping you experience more meaning and purpose, joy and adventure, energy and confidence, and growth and impact than you ever thought possible. Reinforce your knowledge and build a solid foundation for Badass Retirement with the ultimate companion workbook!

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For a limited time, get instant access to the Extended Edition of the Badass Retirement Audiobook, filled with more than 11 hours of content targeted at helping you experience more meaning and purpose, joy and adventure, energy and confidence, and growth and impact than you ever thought possible. Listen anywhere you go, whether at the gym, on a hike, on a drive to your next adventure!
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